Wrist Wraps - Hand made by seller & seller's own design - This wrap was a Custom Design & is Sold. It is on the site to show the style. A Custom Design can easily & quickly be made to suit you or the person you are buying it for. Simply loop over your hand like a bracelet and let whatever stonework is on dangle freely from your arm. Short or longer stone & crystal work can be added depending on taste or purpose. Can be used like meditative prayer beads, or intention & ritual work or for anxiety & stress. Can be worn at home or out in nature on hiking trails. Many people find stones calming & interesting to touch & look at so makes a good figet or anxiety device. Shorter styles are more practical if wearing around the house. Price really depends on quality & type of stone & crystal work chosen. Can give you options based on specific price point, can be made very expensive or relatively cheap. If interested please email me at wildheartedenergy@gmail.com This wrap features rainforest type jasper and intentionally places accents stones & symbols.